
Trinity well represented at Vice-Chancellor’s Engagement Awards

The VC’s Engagement Awards program recognises the significant engagement and partnership work of staff and students with the wider community.

At this year’s awards, held on 19 September, current Trinity resident student Jono Lau received a Student Engagement Award for his support of Indigenous education through collecting donated computers, stored at the College before being shipped to communities in the NT to be distributed to disadvantaged schools.

Further in that Indigenous space, Teachabout received an award for its ‘Dry season’ program. This initiative was begun by Trinity students in 2010 based on their visits to Minyerri through an annual Trinity program.

Resident med student Mathu Sinnathamby (TC 2012) also received an award for his participation in the ‘Teach the Teacher’ project, a program intended to help teachers acquire the knowledge and skills to improve sexual health outcomes in secondary schools.

Trinity’s Centre for Advanced Studies was also recognised for its partnership with ClimArte, a festival of climate change-related arts and ideas scheduled for April–May 2015. Trinity has offered accommodation and support to invited international guests.

As Vice-Chancellor Glynn Davies noted at the ceremony, the awards offer a platform for recognising some of the ‘wonderful things we can achieve though collaboration, shared knowledge and enthusiasm’.

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