
Meet Residential Advisor Hope Dolino

Hope Dolino shares tales of her travels and why she refuses to live in fear.
by Emily McAuliffe

Hope DolinoWhat do you enjoy most about working at Trinity College? 

Everyone you meet has very interesting stories to share and the students are inspiring. I’ve worked with a lot of students, but the combination of intellect, talent and character of Trinitarians are next level.

One day you are conversing with artists, the next you’re sharing a meal with future public servants, next you're at an event with humanitarians, and the list goes on. The future looks bright with these young leaders and it is a pleasure to be a part of their journey as an RA. 

How would you describe the residential community at Trinity? 

Vibrant. There’s always something happening from student events to activities that extend to the wider community. Everyone’s also very friendly and supportive. The sense of community cannot be denied.

One of my favourite moments is when I walk past students’ rooms and there are presents with notes left on their doors. It’s beautiful how they empower and look after one another, especially during times when they know someone is unwell or going through difficult times. These are just few of the many small but meaningful gestures that make so much difference.

What’s an interesting story from your life or travels you’d like to share?

I was raised in a conservative, middle-income family in a developing country before coming to Australia, and I was prohibited to do a lot of things because I am a woman. One example is to not travel alone because it is unsafe for women to do so. I refuse to live in fear. As soon as I completed my masters, and when I had the means to start travelling overseas for leisure, I went backpacking solo to 15 countries for two years while working full time. I met so many female solo travellers who were like me – hungry to see and experience the world.

It certainly was not an experience for the faint of heart, but the experience of getting lost and expanding my world view, among other learnings, were all worth it. To young women: Conquer your fears. Live your life and don’t let others or society dictate how you should live. But remember, as with everything, be smart and make sure to prioritise your safety more than anything. Plan wisely! 

What’s the most valuable piece of advice you’ve been given?  

My father used to tell us siblings that it does not matter what you choose to become so long as you contribute something good to society. This has had such a profound impact on who I am today. I grew up strongly believing I could be whoever I want to be, and with a solid intent to serve. I wasn’t fearful of who I would become, I was just clear that I had to make my life count. That so long as I lived a life not only for myself, then it’s a life worth living. I think it’s very empowering advice to give to children and I am proud to be my father’s daughter.  

Which activities make you lose track of time?  

Talking about my passions and doing something creative with like-minded people. The activities I enjoy the most are when I facilitate dance workshops, and when I emcee community events. When I see the crowd having the best time of their lives, it fills my heart with joy and time just goes by so quickly.

What is your life philosophy?  

I love the good old basic principles in life. Work hard and be good to people. Treat others the way you wish to be treated. The world, although it needs smart people, needs kinder souls more than ever. We have to teach the young to be human, and we adults should lead by example. I think a lot of our values these days are getting distorted. We need to be goal oriented, but we also have to constantly check and reconnect with ourselves to not lose track of the things that truly matter and would make us happy. 


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