
Experiencing Arnhem Land

A group of six Trinity resident students have returned from Arnhem Land after experiencing a nine-day cultural tour over the July break.

Guided by Lirrwi Yolngu tourism, the trip provided students with a unique opportunity to experience the culture of Indigenous communities, camping at three different homelands on the coast of Arnhem Land, Nyinikay, Baniyala and Bukudal.

At each homeland, families, elders and local leaders taught the group about Yolngu society, local history, landscape, animals, art and music.

‘Everyone we met in Arnhem Land had a clear sense of their culture, their history and their responsibilities for the future; there is so much to be shared – I really admire this culture,’ Blake Nielsen (1st year Science) said.

Through activities including basket weaving and spear making, ocean fishing, mud muscle hunting and experiencing traditional dance and song, students learned about Yolngu culture and traditions.

‘One of my favourite moments was learning to weave with the ladies of Nyinikay, spending hours together at night chatting and constantly learning about their culture,’ Eloise Bentley (1st year Science) said.

The group also made a timely visit to the Yirrkala community, which was celebrating 50 years since the Yirkala Bark petitions this month, and viewed the original bark paintings in the local art center.

By sharing Yolngu culture Lirrwi tourism corporation aims to break down barriers and develop communities.

Category: Learning

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